At the heart of our mission is a commitment to using our business as a force for good™. We are committed to high social and environmental standards and believe in complete transparency in all our actions. This is why we’re proud to be a Certified B Corporation since 2020, meeting rigorous standards of performance, accountability, and transparency.

Some of our special focus areas are responsible consumption and production. We are encouraging our suppliers, sub-suppliers, manufacturers and customers to recycle and be sustainable in every possible way. Additionally, we aim to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, ensuring productive employment and decent work for all.

Becoming a Certified B Corporation has only strengthened our dedication to sustainability. Every day, we strive to be ambitious and extraordinarily responsible, not just for you and our brand, but for the world and the future.

Visit our official B Corp profile here.



At the heart of our mission is a commitment to using our business as a force for good™. We are committed to high social and environmental standards and believe in complete transparency in all our actions. This is why we’re proud to be a Certified B Corporation since 2020, meeting rigorous standards of performance, accountability, and transparency.

Some of our special focus areas are responsible consumption and production. We are encouraging our suppliers, sub-suppliers, manufacturers and customers to recycle and be sustainable in every possible way. Additionally, we aim to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, ensuring productive employment and decent work for all.

Becoming a Certified B Corporation has only strengthened our dedication to sustainability. Every day, we strive to be ambitious and extraordinarily responsible, not just for you and our brand, but for the world and the future.

Visit our official B Corp profile here.

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to using our business as a force for good™. We are committed to high social and environmental standards and believe in complete transparency in all our actions. This is why we’re proud to be a Certified B Corporation since 2020, meeting rigorous standards of performance, accountability, and transparency.

Some of our special focus areas are responsible consumption and production. We are encouraging our suppliers, sub-suppliers, manufacturers and customers to recycle and be sustainable in every possible way. Additionally, we aim to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, ensuring productive employment and decent work for all.

Becoming a Certified B Corporation has only strengthened our dedication to sustainability. Every day, we strive to be ambitious and extraordinarily responsible, not just for you and our brand, but for the world and the future.

Visit our official B Corp profile here.

Our 2024 B Corp Reassessment

After a rigorous 7-month re-certification process, we can finally announce our new and much-improved B Corp score of 133.4 points! This makes us the highest-scoring Nordic fashion brand and places us in the top 3 Nordic B Corp brands. It also means we have improved our initial score from 2020 by 32%.

Prioritizing this has been incredibly important to us, as we believe this certification ensures full transparency and credibility for you, as well as our unwavering commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Our 2024 B Corp Reassessment

After a rigorous 7-month re-certification process, we can finally announce our new and much-improved B Corp score of 133.4 points! This makes us the highest-scoring Nordic fashion brand and places us in the top 3 Nordic B Corp brands. It also means we have improved our initial score from 2020 by 32%.

Prioritizing this has been incredibly important to us, as we believe this certification ensures full transparency and credibility for you, as well as our unwavering commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Our 2024 B Corp Reassessment

After a rigorous 7-month re-certification process, we can finally announce our new and much-improved B Corp score of 133.4 points! This makes us the highest-scoring Nordic fashion brand and places us in the top 3 Nordic B Corp brands. It also means we have improved our initial score from 2020 by 32%.

Prioritizing this has been incredibly important to us, as we believe this certification ensures full transparency and credibility for you, as well as our unwavering commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

"This score is certainly a milestone worth celebrating, but our journey doesn't end here. Our ultimate goal is to reach 200 points, and there is still work to be done. We are excited to continue making progress and refining our practices. This achievement is a testament to why we founded Underprotection and what motivates us every day."

Stephan Rosenkilde, Co-founder & CEO


Explore Some of Our Green Initiatives

Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our fair production practices and our use of classified or certified sustainable materials. Key initiatives like our
Take-Back model, Repair & Reward program, Upcycling collection and dedication to annual reporting have all contributed to our outstanding B Corp score.



Explore Some of Our
Green Initiatives

 Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our fair production practices and our use of classified or certified sustainable materials. Key initiatives like our Take-Back model, Repair & Reward program, Upcycling collection and dedication to annual reporting have all contributed to our outstanding B Corp score.



Explore Some of Our Green Initiatives

Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our fair production practices and our use of classified or certified sustainable materials. Key initiatives like our Take-Back model, Repair & Reward program, Upcycling collection and dedication to annual reporting have all contributed to our outstanding B Corp score.



B Lab & the B Corp Movement

B Lab is a nonprofit network dedicated to transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet through systemic change. Achieving B Corp Certification involves a thorough application process with over 300 questions covering every aspect of your business.

During the certification process, the B Impact Assessment reviews a company’s practices in five areas: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. B Corps must go through this verification every three years to recertify, making sure they continue to meet the standards and keep bettering their business practices.

Read more here.

B Lab & the B Corp Movement

B Lab is a nonprofit network dedicated to transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet through systemic change. Achieving B Corp Certification involves a thorough application process with over 300 questions covering every aspect of your business.

During the certification process, the B Impact Assessment reviews a company’s practices in five areas: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. B Corps must go through this verification every three years to recertify, making sure they continue to meet the standards and keep bettering their business practices.

Read more here.

B Lab & the B Corp Movement

B Lab is a nonprofit network dedicated to transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet through systemic change. Achieving B Corp Certification involves a thorough application process with over 300 questions covering every aspect of your business.

During the certification process, the B Impact Assessment reviews a company’s practices in five areas: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. B Corps must go through this verification every three years to recertify, making sure they continue to meet the standards and keep bettering their business practices.

Read more here.

B Lab & the B Corp Movement

B Lab is a nonprofit network dedicated to transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet through systemic change. Achieving B Corp Certification involves a thorough application process with over 300 questions covering every aspect of your business.

During the certification process, the B Impact Assessment reviews a company’s practices in five areas: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. B Corps must go through this verification every three years to recertify, making sure they continue to meet the standards and keep bettering their business practices.

Read more here.